Return Ballots Batch Header

Note:  This topic is for counties with the Generic Envelope Reader Interface to Voter Focus.

To access:  Vote By Mail > Return Ballots from Envelope Reader

On this dialog, you select a batch of return envelopes processed by your third-party mail-balloting system that are ready for return processing in Voter Focus. The dialog shows outstanding batches for the election in focus. The original number of envelopes in the batch (Total Envelopes) is shown along with the number remaining to be processed (Unprocessed Images).

The Return Date field shows the date that will be recorded for the ballot return. You can accept today's date or enter a different date.

To select a batch, highlight it and click Continue to proceed to the Return Ballots dialog.

Note:  If multiple users in your office are performing return-processing, we recommend that you assign specific batches to users. The system doesn't prevent multiple users from working on a batch at the same time, but it does prevent them from accessing a ballot that another user is processing.
Important:   The process initiated by the button Delete Batch, Reverse Returns, Delete Import Files should be used with care as it completely erases all processing done on the envelopes in the selected batch. You would typically want to use it when there are problems with one or more images in the batch, such as those caused by a misalignment with the reader, and the easiest way to resolve them is to reprocess the envelopes on the mail-balloting system and reimport them into Voter Focus. The Delete Batch, Reverse Returns, Delete Import Files process:
  • Reverses the return (in Voter Focus) of any ballots in this batch that were previously processed as returned.
  • Deletes the TIF and TXT files created by the mail-balloting system from the folder I:\Vr6Sharedbinaries\InstanceSigs.
  • Flags the batch as bad to prevent it being reimported again into Voter Focus.
If you proceed with the Delete Batch, Reverse Returns, Delete Import Files process, it will be necessary to re-process the envelopes through your mail-balloting system and re-import the TIF and TXT files into Voter Focus.